Born to Exile
- BORN TO EXILE - A black ink and black color pencil drawing on an 11 x 14 size coquille board. It appears as the frontispiece in the book, "Born To Exile" by Phyllis Eisenstein, published by Arkham House in 1978
Looking at this drawing I thought; isn't it wonderful that one human being can touch another human being's heart with a drawing? I was just a kid when Alex Raymond's "Flash Gordon" comic strip in the Sunday newspapers touched my heart. Not with the storyline, but with his artwork, it was amazing. It seems to me that it's inside the "heart" where art becomes something important to a person, where the appreciation of art comes alive. It's a wonderful "thing" to feel, and I feel it every time I look at the artwork of the many artists whose work stirs my heart.
And the greater wonder of it is, for me, that every once in a while I receive a surprise gift from a fan in appreciation of my artwork. In this case a fan sent me a beautiful copper etching that he made of my drawing that you see here, and that etching hangs on the wall in my drawing room. Other surprise tokens of appreciation that I've received from fans are; a miniature spun glass ship, a knitted sweater with an artist's palette worked into the chest area, a neatly carved wooden figure of a "Running Bear," that came from a missionary preacher in New Zealand, a fantasy belt buckle, and a miniature paper-mache sculptured "gnome" that keeps watch over me. I cherish them all, they give form and reality to that wonderful feeling of appreciation that comes from the heart.

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